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Thailand solar sounded Assembly

The Thai government has announced the introduction of plans to greatly expand the rooftop PV system installed in the the Thailand supplier house and the house roof.

The Thailand Energy Minister PongsakRuktapongpisal, said: 1000 in Bangkok, Thailand, Thai Electrical and Electrical Engineering Institute members said Tuesday it will introduce the details next week.

Thailand pulling the introduction of renewable energy development strategy in 2008. This includes all the renewable energy sector. But Thailand is still not developed rooftop PV system policy, whether it is the policy of the business house or houses.

The Bangkok Post reported that: a working group has been set up, its mandate is to develop a financial framework covers the FIT and other support policies.

This working group will propose to repeal a statute, regulations call for the repeal of a restrictive regulations. This regulatory requirements need to install the roof system family a permit from the Ministry of Industry, Bangkok.

The news that the government proposed to support 100,000 home photovoltaic systems and 1,000 commercial roofing systems installed in Thailand.

The total installed capacity is expected to reach 800MW.

In addition to FIT, the government will develop a tax reduction mechanism will provide contingent loans to support this policy.

PV Association of Thailand, said: newly formulated policy-year-old is not ideal, but also a lot of progress.
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